We continue to listen to our team members and take actions to improve. Following changes to our compassionate leave policy last year, we recognized a need for additional options when a compassionate leave may not apply.

As a result, we are introducing improvements to the short-term leave policy to better align with our culture and provide more flexible options for absences and emergencies. This will also align the policy across our four HA Group brands.

Effective August 1, 2022, the new policy will allow for an unpaid leave during an active sailing assignment for up to 14 days for emergencies that fall outside our compassionate leave policy. Any team member may request a short-term leave for the following reasons:

  • Death of a family member not covered by the compassionate leave policy.
  • Medical emergencies that fall outside of the compassionate leave policy.
  • Legal appointments that cannot be rescheduled.
  • Other justifiable emergencies.

To be eligible for a short-term leave, team members must have 30 days or more remaining on their assignment at the time of application. If there are less than 30 days remaining, team members can submit a request to end their contract early for the same reasons as a short-term leave application.

Our Travel Services team will arrange all repatriation and return travel for short-term leaves. Team members will be responsible to settle their travel costs on board before disembarking.

We believe this new policy will help better support everyone in these situations with care and empathy.

The revised policy is attached and will soon be available in Global HESS and from onboard HR teams.

Thank you again for speaking up and for your ongoing support as we work together to promote a culture of care, compliance, safety, transparency, and trust with consideration for diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI).

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